Sunday, September 25, 2011

Feeding the Hungry--One Easy Step

This campaign was intended to inform people about the lack of employment and supply of food in South Africa. I think that if I were to go to the grocery store and my cart had a picture of a homeless child begging for food, I would feel a bit of guilt. I would feel guilty and realize how easy it is to feed that child by buying canned food for them or donating to the campaign. I think that their intention was to make people feel that guilt and remorse as they saw that poor child. It would be hard to shop for an hour at the grocery store with that shopping cart and have that picture not influence your decision to donate. Furthermore, the grocery store agreed to leave carts at the exits to place canned food in before they left the store. I think that this was an excellent advertisement because it made people stop and think before they placed food into the shopping cart. I do think that this advertisement was extreme and could make people feel upset but I think that that is the whole point of the campaign. They wanted to really influence people and not have it be a campaign that makes you just think, but to actually take that step to make a difference in the word.

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